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The new season starts in:

ICE Hockey League


Bundesministerium für Inneres




Cooperation agreement BM.I / ICE Hockey League

Close cooperation in the management and coordination of ice hockey games of national and international importance is the subject of the cooperation agreement concluded on 19 October 2009 between the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and the ICE Hockey League.

Since then, there has been efficient communication between the security authorities, the Ice Hockey Association, the ICE Hockey League, the clubs and the fan clubs. Among other things, there are joint safety meetings before matches and safety meetings at the beginning and end of each ice hockey season.

Officials familiar with the scene

The "Szenekundigen Dienste" with their almost 180 "Szenekundigen Beamten" (SKB) play an essential role. Their tasks range from risk assessments, information on travel routes, coordination with authorities and club officials before the match, fan support and prudent intervention on the day of the match to reporting after the event.

As in football, the officials who know the scene also know the fan groups at the ice hockey games. They can locate fans at risk, assess their behaviour and, if necessary, take action to solve problems in advance.

At the 2,007 events (1,293 in Austria and 714 abroad) of the ICE Hockey League in the 2009/10 to 2014/15 seasons, scene-expert officers were deployed a total of 3,945 times - 2,816 times at home matches and 1,129 times at away matches, 169 of which were abroad.



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